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2016年07月08日 12:55  


    欧阳自根教授,男,1965年生,湖南衡东人,博士,数学教授, 硕士生导师。1987年本科毕业于湖南师范大学数学系,1987年至1989在云南大学数学系读研究生班, 2006年6月获上海大学"运筹学与控制论"专业博士学位。现任我校数理学院院长,湖南省中青年骨干教师,我校首届教学名师,我校首届研究生喜爱的导师,我校学科带头人。 自1989年以来一直在高校从事教学与科研工作。近年来独立完成省部级科研课题5项,作为主要成员,参与完成国家自然科学基金项目3项(第二),作为主要成员, 参加国防基础科研课题:****的安全系统工程能力研究, 取得阶段性的突破。有丰富的教学和科研能力,特别是在泛函分析、泛函微分方程、动力系统方面有较深入的研究经历, 被聘为美国数学评论评论员。研究方向为微分方程及动力系统, 同时涉及核设施安全系统工程能力研究, 利用数学的方法解决核设施中的一些安全问题,是我校"核设施安全与可靠性技术"国防科工委创新团队的主要成员。近年来在国内外学术刊物上发表与本项目有关的论文40余篇,其中在SCI源刊发表论文24篇。


[1] Zigen Ouyang, Dongyuan Liu, and Huilan Wang, Positive Solutions for Class of State Dependent Boundary Value Problems with Fractional Order Differential Operators, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2015, Article ID 263748, 11 pages.
[2] Zigen Ouyang and Hongliang Liu, Solvability for a Fractional Order Three-Point Boundary Value System at Resonance, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 419514, 15 pages.
[3] Dongyuan Liu and Zigen Ouyang, Solvability of Third-Order Three-Point Boundary
Value Problems,  Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 793639, 7 pages.
[4] Zigen Ouyang and HuiWang, A Model for Influence of Nuclear-Electricity
Industry on Area Economy, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 792307, 7 pages.
[5] Hongliang Liu and Zigen Ouyang, Existence of solutions for second-order
three-point integral boundary value problems at resonance, Boundary Value Problems 2013, 2013:197, 1-11.
[6] Huilan Wang, Zigen Ouyang and Liguang Wang, Application of the shooting method to second-order multi-point integral boundary-value problems, Boundary Value Problems 2013, 2013:205, 1-10.
[7] Z.G. Ouyang,C.H. Ou, James S.R.Wong, Solvability of three-point boundary value problems with resonance,Communication in Applied Analysis,17(2013)47-60.
[8] Z. Ouyang, G. Li, Existence of the solutions for a class of nonlinear fractional order three-point boundary value problems with resonance, Boundary Value Problem, 2012,2012-68.
[9] Z.G. Ouyang,Chunhua Ou, Global Stability and convergence rate of traveling waves for a nonlocal model in periodic media, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, SERIES B,17(2012)(SCI).
[10] M.X. Liao, X.H. Tang, Zigen Ouyang, Changjin Xu, Dynamical properties of a class of higher-order nonlinear difference equations, Appl. Math. and Comput. , 217 (2011) 5476-5479(SCI) .
[11] Z.G. Ouyang, Y.M. Chen, S.L. Zou, Existence of positive solutions to a boundary value problem for a delayed nonlinear fractional differential system, Boundary Value Problem., Article ID 475126, 17pages, 2011(SCI).
[12] Z.G. Ouyang, Existence and uniqueness of the solutions for a class of nonlinear fractional partial differential equations with delay, Comp.& Math. with Appl., 61(2011)860-870(SCI).
[13] J.C. Zhong, Z.G. Ouyang, S.L. Zou, An oscillation theorem for a class of second-order forced neutral delay differential equations with mixed nonlinearities, Appl. Math. Lett.,24(2011) 1449-1454(SCI).
[14] Z.G. Ouyang, J.C. Zhong, S.L. Zou, Oscillation criteria for a class of second-order nonlinear differential equations with damping term,Abst. and Appl. Anal. Article ID 897058, 12 pages, 2009(SCI).
[15] F.Q. Yin, S.F. Zhou, Z.G. Ouyang, C.H. Xiao, Attractor for Lattice system of dissipative Zakaharov equation, Acta Mathematic Sinica: English Series, 61(2009)321-324(SCI).
[16] X.Y. Liao, Z.G. Ouyang and S.F. Zhou, Permanence of speciesin nonautonomous discrete Lotka-Volterra competitive system with delays and feedback controls, Journal of Comput. and Appl. Math., 211(1) (2008), 1-10(SCI).       
[17]X.Y. Liao, Z.G. Ouyang and S.F. Zhou, Permanence and Stability of Equilibrium for a Two-Prey One-Predator Discrete Model, Appl. Mathe. and Comput., 186(2007), 93-100(SCI).
[18]Z.G.Ouyang S.L.Zou S.F.Zhou J.D.Liao,Invariant set and attracting set for a class of delay discrete parabolic systems,Int. J. Appl。 Math. and Appl,1(2008).
[19]X.Y. Liao, S.F. Zhou and Z.G. Ouyang, On a stoichiometric two predators on one prey discrete model, Appl. Mathe. Lett., 20 (2007), 272-278(SCI).
[20]Q. S. wang, Z. G. Ouyang, J. D. Liao, Oscillation and asymptotic behavior for a class of nonlinear delayed parabolic differential equations, Appl. Math. Lett. 32(2006)151-154 (SCI).
[21]J. H. Ma, S. F.Zhou, Z. G. Ouyang, Asymptotic synchronization in dissipative lattices of coupled oscillators, J. Math. Anal. Appl. Vol322, Issue 2(2006), 1111-1127 (SCI).
[22]S. F.Zhou, F. Q. Yin, Z. G. Ouyang, Random Attrator damped nonlinear wave equations with white noise, SIAM J. Applied Dynamical Systems, 4(4)2005 (SCI).
[23]欧阳自根,李永昆, 偶数阶时滞微分方程的单调解, 数学研究与评论, 24(2004), 321-327.
[23]Z. G. Ouyang, Y. K. Li, Q. G. Tang, Classifications and existence of positive
solutions of higher-order nonlinear neutral differential equations, Appl. Math. and Comput.,148(2004), 105-120(SCI).
[24]Z. G. Ouyang, S. F. Zhou, F. Q. Yin, Oscillation for a class of odd-order delay paraboic differential equations, J. of Comp. and Appl. Math., 175(2005), 305-319(SCI).
[25]Z. G. Ouyang, S. F. Zhou, F. Q. yin, Oscillation for a class of neutral parabolic differential equations, Comput. & Math. with Appl., 50(2005), 145-155(SCI).
[26]Z. G. Ouyang, Y. K. Li and M. C. Qing, Eventually solutions ofodd-oder neutral
differential equations, Appl. Math. Lett., 17(2004), 159-166(SCI).
[27]Z. G. Ouyang, Nnecessary and sufficientconditions for oscillation of odd order neutral delay parabolic differential equations, Appl.  Math. Lett., 16(2003), 1039-1045(SCI). 


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